By Yann Beauvais, Vivian Ostrovsky
Edit, Sound edit: Yann Beauvais, Vivian Ostrovsky
Jet Lag Prod 1999
12’, 35mm, b/w & clr
Screening formats : 35mm – 16mm – Digital file
A trip to Russia by two filmmakers, in 1990, ends up in a twin- screen projection using their super 8 footage mixed in with archival material and a sprinkling of classics such as Vertov and Eisenstein.

Work and Progress – 1999
MuMa, « Le partage de l’écran », Le Havre, France, January 2023
View from the East, Moma, New-York city, USA, November 2019
Internationale Kurtzfilmtage, Oberhausen, Germany, May 2019
Collectif Jeune Cinéma, Paris, France, December 2005
Curtas, Vila do Conde, Portugal, July 2005
Museo nacional Reina So a, Madrid, Spain, November 2004
Kassel Filmfestival, Germany, November 2003
Festival de court metrage de Clermont-Ferrand, February 2001
Cycle “Monter / Sampler”, Centre Pompidou,November – December 2000
European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, Germany, October 2000
Festival Nouveau Cinema Montréal, October 2000
Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival, September 2000
BBC British short lm Festival, London, UK, September 2000
Curtas, São Paulo, Brazil, August 2000
Image Forum, Tokyo, Japan, April 2000
Bradford Film festival, UK, March 2000
International experimental and video festival, Windsor, Canada, February 2000
Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Germany, January 2000
International film Festival Rotterdam, Netherlands, January 2000
Toronto international Film festival, September 1999
MoMA, NYC, USA, April 1999