By Vivian Ostrovsky
Images: Vivian Ostrovsky
Editing: Ruti Gadish
On the Fly 2017
07′, b/w & clr
Screening formats: DCP – digital file
Dizziness, in the sense that it inspires artists and filmmakers to move beyond their known borders.
Or how a state of altered perception, instability, and confusion can be a catalyst for exploring new surroundings.
Let go of the ground and attain giddiness or perhaps even foolishness?

Istanbul Experimental,, Istanbul, Turkey, January 2020
Festival Les Instants Vidéos, Marseille, France, November 2019
Vastlab experimental festival, Burbank, CA, USA, September 2019
Strangloscope, Florianópolis, Brazil, September 2019
Festival Schillertage, Mannheim, Germany, June 2019
International Festival of Creativity, Innovation & Digital Culture, Canary Islands, March 2019
Revolutions per Minute Festival, Boston, USA, February 2019
Alternative Film/Video, Belgrade, Serbia, December 2018
International experimental film festival, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2018
Videobardo Festival Inter de Cine de videopesio, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2018
Festival contre nature, Marseille, France, July 2018
Festival Rencontres internationales Paris/Berlin, April and June 2018
Asolo Art film festival, italy, June 2018
SorsiCorti Festival,Palermo, Italy, May 2018
Now and After, Moscow, Russia, February 2018
Traverse Video, Toulouse, France, February 2018
Invideo Festival, Milan, Italy, November 2017
FIC International Short Film Festival, Alliance française, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2017 (awarded the “Premio Esmi experimental”)
San Diego Underground Film Festival, USA, August 2017
Open Air Filmfestival, Weiterstadt, Germany, August 2017
Diametrale Filmfestival, Innsbruck, Austria, April 2017
MUFF, Montréal, Canada, May 2017
Frauen Film Festival, Köln / Dortmund, Germany, April 2017