By Vivian Ostrovsky
Edit: Ruti Gadish, Claude Mercier, Vivian Ostrovsky
Sound edit: Ruti Gadish, Claude Mercier, Vivian Ostrovsky
Jet Lag Prod 2008
9’, cell phone film, b/w & clr
Screening formats: BETA SP PAL – Digital file
English version
Fone Fur Follies is the English version of Télépattes.
Starring among others, two cats, a couple of dogs, a weasel, a baby bear, and a macaw.
With the likes of Gloria Swanson, Angela Davis and Marina Abramovic on the soundtrack.

Fone für Follies – 2008
Anthology Film Archives, New York, USA, November 2015
Internationales Bremer Symposium zum Film: The Film and the Animal, Germany, January 2011
Internationales Frauen lm Festival Dortmund | Köln, Germany, April 2010
Femina, Festival International de Cinema femino, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2009
European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, Germany, April 2009
Stuttgarter FilmWinter, Stuttgart, Germany, January 2009
Locarno Film Festival, Locarno, Switzerland, July 2008
MoMA, New York, USA, February 2008