By: Vivian Ostrovsky
Edit: Vivian Ostrovsky, Gisèle Meichler
Sound edit: Vivian Ostrovky, Patrick Genêt
Jet Lag Prod 1982
8’, 16mm, b/w & clr
Screening Formats: 16mm – Digital file – DCP
With a super 8 camera from Paris to Berlin, from Amsterdam to Rio, from Jerusalem to New York shooting only at night. Hungarian crooners, Indian tribal chants, opera arias, and an occasional samba make up the sound track of this “hand-held” diary.

Movie (V.O.) – 1982
tactileBOSCH, Underthecounterculture, Cardiff Wales, United Kingdom, November 2019
Jerusalem Film Festival, Israel, August 2019
Festival Femmes, Montréal, Canada, March 1985
Edinburgh Film festival, Edinburgh, UK, May 1983
Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, September 1983
Festival de court-métrage de Clermont-Ferrand, France, January 1983
Split film festival, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, November 1982
Rassegna Cinema Feminino, Sorrento, Italy, October 1982
XII Biennale de Paris, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, October 1982 Festival international du Jeune Cinema, Hyères, France, September 1982
ARC, Musée d’art moderne, Paris, France, January 1982