By Vivian Ostrovsky
Edit, Sound edit : Vivian Ostrovsky, François Sculier
Jet Lag Prod 1988
15′, 16mm, b/w & clr
Screening formats: 16mm – Digital file – DCP
A humorous observation of humans’ and animals’ table manners as they gulp down breakfasts, lunches, cocktails and dinners in a variety of situations.
Ostrovsky uses her filmic diary and travelogue to cast her curious characters.

Eat – 1988
Institut Français,London, United Kingdom, June 2019
Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, France, March 2015
Split film festival, Croatia, 2006
Anthology Film Archives, New York City, USA, April 1994
Experimenta, Melbourne, Australia, December 1990
Arsenals, International Film Forum, Riga, Latvia, October 1990