By Vivian Ostrovsky
Edit: Vivian Ostrovsky, Jean Pecheux
Sound edit: Patrick Genêt
Jet Lag Prod 1987
12′, 16mm, b/w & clr
Screening formats : 16mm – Digital file – DCP
Sarah and Paul leave their native California once a year to eat their way through France. They test the Michelin guide’s recommendations for three-star restaurants (the top rating) and between meals still have time to do some wine tasting at the best cellars. The filmmaker follows them around in a second car.

*** ( ) – 1987
1ª Mostra Cine Brasil Experimental, São Paulo, Brasil, September 2019
Institut Français,London, United Kingdom, June 2019
Anthology Film Archive, New York, November 1989
Exit Art, New York, USA, May 1988
Festival International Jeune Cinema, Montréal, Canada, March 1988
Festival International Films et video de femmes, Montréal, Canada, June 1987
Festival International de Cine de Huesca, Spain, November 1987
Interfilm, Festival international du Film s8, Berlin, Germany, September 1987
Festival of festival, Toronto, Canada, September 1987